You should know that Franklin Elementary staff members are prepared to ensure the safety of your child in the unlikely event that the Emergency Management Officials declare an Alert 2 or 3 threat of flooding in this school’s area during the school day.
Students at Franklin Elementary would be evacuated from the school and safely transported to: First Baptist Church 540 1st Avenue
You will likely not be able to contact a school representative upon the notice of evacuation. However, information will be sent to you by the school voice messaging system through which you receive other important information about your child’s school and the school district. Please make sure your contact information is correct at the school so messages will reach you.
You may contact the School District’s Educational Service Center at 712-328-6446 or 712-328-6400 if you have questions or to inform the District of any obstacles that would prevent you from picking up your child as soon as practical.
School personnel will be escorting and monitoring all students until parents arrive at the reception site. Parents and guardians will be asked to pick their children up as soon as practical. You will need to sign out your child with a school principal or designated staff members.
If the current Alert 1 is increased to an Alert 2 or 3, please DO NOT go to Franklin School to pick up your child. Students and school staff will be boarding buses at this time to go to the relocation site, which will serve as a reception center for parents to reunite with their children. Bus drivers in our district will be on call to arrive at our school in a very short time to begin the evacuation.