Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Attendance Matters

We recognized students with good attendance and positive office referrals at our assembly today.  We also announced the winner of the November attendance challenge.  Mr. Schmitz's class won the challenge with over 99% average daily attendance for the month.  Way to go!  If you were paying attention, you will remember that they were one of two winners in our October Attendance Bingo Challenge.  We had 5 classrooms who were at 98% or higher.  Our school average was nearly 97%, which is above our district goal of 95%.

We gave gift certificates to students with perfect attendance.  46 students had perfect attendance for the first trimester.  That is more than 10% of our students, quite an accomplishment.

Here is a summary by grade of our attendance for November.  The last column is the one we use, the ADA%.  ADA stands for average daily attendance.

Franklin Elementary School
11/01/2011 to 11/30/2011 = 18 school days

Grand Total3942003967128016234.506877.50382.0796.70%

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

The votes are in!

We are excited to announce the formation of a Franklin Elementary School Student Council! Student Council gives students the opportunity to develop leadership skills, plan and perform projects to benefit the school, and encourage a cooperative spirit within the student body. The Franklin Student Council consists of 3 representatives from each 4th and 5th grade classroom.

Interested students filled out an application on why he/she would be good representative and each class voted. We are excited to announce the new members of our Student Council...

Mrs. Vint's class: Karagin, Riley, and Kasean
Mrs. Rush's class: Natalie, Raymond, and Jessica
Mr. Schechinger's class: Alexis, Maxine, and Brooke
Mrs. Gustafson's class: Laura, Charity, and Cameron
Mrs. Aldrich's class: Pandora, Madisyn, and Vanessa
Mr. Schmitz's class: Tyanna, Alenah, and Taylor

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Breakfast, the key to learning

This is a message from Nutrition Services. 

Before you send your kids out the door and off to school there may be something they're missing—and it's not their backpacks or lunches. "Numerous studies suggest that schoolchildren skip breakfast more than any other meal of the day," says Melissa Joy Dobbins, MS, RD, a spokesperson for the American Dietetic Association (ADA). "That means some kids go as long as 15 hours—or more—without food." That doesn't just leave their stomachs growling, it also impacts their ability to learn.
Kids who fuel up in the morning focus and concentrate better in the classroom and perform better on math, reading and standardized tests. They also have fewer behavior problems and are less likely to be tardy. Conversely, ADA's The State of Family Nutrition and Physical Activity Report: Are We Making Progress? finds that even a child who is well nourished but skips breakfast can have problem-solving difficulties that are serious enough to lower their test taking ability.
If getting your clan to eat breakfast is a challenge try these simple suggestions:
  • Nix late night noshing: Many kids aren't hungry for breakfast because they snack at night. Try telling your kids the kitchen is closed after dinner and you'll be surprised how much hungrier they are in the morning.
  • Prep the night before: Getting breakfast on the table is tricky for most busy families. Setting the breakfast table at night can make your morning a little smoother. While you're at it, why not put out a few boxes of whole-grain cereal for kids to pick and choose from? All they'll have to do in the morning is pour and add milk.
  • Start small: If your family doesn't usually eat anything in the morning, it may take a while to develop the habit. Starting with a mini meal of yogurt topped with low-fat granola or a small slice of whole-wheat toast can make the transition easier.
  • Set the alarm 10 minutes earlier: Hectic mornings can make it difficult for kids (and parents) to find time for breakfast. Waking up just a few minutes earlier provides time to squeeze in a quick morning meal.
  • Dress first, eat second: Kids are more likely to feel hungry once they've had a chance to wake up.
  • Make sure you're well stocked: No time to cook? No problem. Quick-fix foods like whole-grain cereal, string cheese, berries, yogurt, and whole-wheat toast, mini bagels and English muffins make grabbing breakfast a cinch.
  • Be a good role model: "Kids mimic their parent's behavior," says Dobbins. "So make it a habit to sit down and eat breakfast with your kids every morning."

Friday, November 4, 2011

Attendance Matters

We had our first awards assembly of the year on Thursday.  We recognized students and staff who were here 95% of the time as well as students who received positive office referrals.  Mrs. Johnson took lots of pictures; hopefully those will show up on Facebook or a bulletin board near you.  Next month we will recognize students with perfect attendance for the first trimester.  We enjoyed a musical performance by kindergartners and third graders.  We hope to have musical performances at all of our assemblies this year.  We were pleased to see the parents who were able to attend.  Thanks for coming!

We announced the winners of our October Bingo Challenge.  Mr. Schmitz and Mr. Schechinger’s classes tied, so they both won a popcorn party.

For November we are participating in the Lysol Blue Ribbon Attendance Challenge.  They are offering $25,000 in prizes.  You can learn more about it on their website:
The focus of the challenge is on keeping healthy so we don’t miss school.

We will have an awards assembly each month.  We are currently working on the schedule for the rest of the year so parents have more notice of the date and time.  We would love to see more parents there to celebrate good attendance with us.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Fire Safety

October is fire prevention month.  Members of the Council Bluffs Public Education team were at Franklin Elementary on Monday, October 10th to teach fire safety to students.  They met with students in preschool through second grade.  First and Second graders visited the safety trailer.  In the trailer they learned how to get out of a house safely in the event of a fire, and were able to practice going out a window.  They also learned about the need to have fire drills at home, as well as at school  Preschool and Kindergarten students listened to the firemen talk about fire safety, and were able to see a fireman in all his gear up close and personal.  Look on our facebook page for pictures.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Internet Safety Workshop

Google and iKeepSafe Partner with School District to Host Internet
Safety Workshop for Parents -- October 4th

You don't have to be a computer expert to keep your child safe online!
 All District parents are invited to participate in a free workshop on
how to protect your children on the Internet. The event will be held
on October 4th, at Abraham Lincoln High School from 6:30-8:30 p.m.
Doors will open at 6:00 p.m.

Pre-registration is not required. However, you are welcome to register
by sending an email A link to
register online can be found on the Council Bluffs Community School
District website.

Co-host Google will supply snacks and Google goodies as part of this
Digital Literacy outreach. Iowa Senator Mike Gronstal will be a guest
speaker at the workshop.

Book Fair

Franklin Elementary will have a book fair during parent teacher conferences October 4th through 6th.  The books will be available for students to preview on Monday October 3rd.  The book fair will be open until 7:00 pm on the 4th and 5th, and until 6:45 on the 6th.  Parents are invited to stop in during the school day or during conferences.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Preschool Screening for 4 year olds

AtAttend a SPECIAL
Council Bluffs Community School District
Preschool Program Screening for 4 YEAR OLDS

THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 2011 8:30 am-4:00 pm
Attend the Preschool Screening at ONE of the following Elementary Buildings:
(Spanish Interpreter will be present at Bloomer Elementary)
·        Bloomer:  210 So. 7th St  328-6519                                  
·        Carter Lake:  1000 Willow Drive  347-5876
·        College View:  1225 College View Road  328-6452
·        Franklin:  3130 Avenue C  328-6469
·        Hoover:  1205 North Broadway  328-6537
·        Longfellow:  2011 So. 10th St  328-6522
·        Rue:  3326 6th Avenue  328-6540
·        Walnut Grove:  2920 Avenue J  328-6525
·        Roosevelt at Washington:  207 Scott St  328-6528
Parents with preschool children who are 4 YEARS OLD, who live in the Council Bluffs School District…
  • Your preschool child
  • Child’s birth certificate with raised seal
  • Verification of income for 2011 (or last 12 months)/Federal income tax form or FIP
  • Copy of immunization records (REQUIRED PRIOR TO STARTING SCHOOL)

Ø      Educators will play activities to assess the child’s social skills, language skills, gross and fine motor skills. The screening should take approximately one hour. NO APPOINTMENT IS NECESSARY. The information gathered during the screening will be reviewed so that child may be placed in the preschool program based upon program guidelines. Considerations will be made for children with special needs.
o        Parents must transport their child to and from preschool
o        Parents will be notified by mail regarding status of a preschool placement

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Just in case! Emergency evacuation plan

You should know that Franklin Elementary staff members are prepared to ensure the safety of your child in the unlikely event that the Emergency Management Officials declare an Alert 2 or 3 threat of flooding in this school’s area during the school day.

Students at Franklin Elementary would be evacuated from the school and safely transported to:
First Baptist Church
540 1st Avenue
You will likely not be able to contact a school representative upon the notice of evacuation. However, information will be sent to you by the school voice messaging system through which you receive other important information about your child’s school and the school district. Please make sure your contact information is correct at the school so messages will reach you.
You may contact the School District’s Educational Service Center at 712-328-6446 or 712-328-6400 if you have questions or to inform the District of any obstacles that would prevent you from picking up your child as soon as practical.
School personnel will be escorting and monitoring all students until parents arrive at the reception site. Parents and guardians will be asked to pick their children up as soon as practical. You will need to sign out your child with a school principal or designated staff members.

If the current Alert 1 is increased to an Alert 2 or 3, please DO NOT go to Franklin School to pick up your child. Students and school staff will be boarding buses at this time to go to the relocation site, which will serve as a reception center for    parents to reunite with their children. Bus drivers in our district will be on call to    arrive at our school in a very short time to begin the evacuation.

Are you a collector?

We are currently collecting pop tabs, Box Tops for Education, Labels for Education, Land o’ Lakes lids, and Godfathers Fedoras.  We will be collecting Hy-Vee and Super Saver receipts once their programs begin.  Watch our Blog for start dates.  Money and points earned have been used to buy PE and Art supplies, and recess equipment.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Back to School!

The first day of school is Wednesday, August 17th.  We will have our back to school night on Tuesday, August 16th from 4:00-6:00.  Come meet your teacher!

If you drive your child to school, here is some information that will help.  The following describes the plan in place for drivers who drop off and pick up their child(ren) from school:
  • Avenue C will be one-way going west from 8:30-8:45 am, 1:55-2:10 pm (Mondays), and 3:35-3:45 pm (Tuesday-Friday) on school days.  Avenue D will be one-way going east during the same time periods.
  • School buses will deliver and pick up students at the west end of the pull over lane on Avenue C (in front of the 4th grade classrooms).
  • There will be no parking in front of the school on Avenue C or in back of the school on the south side of Avenue D. 
  • The pull over lane in front of the school, Avenue C, will be for parents to pull over and drop off or pick up their child(ren).  There will be no parking in this lane.  Parents will pull over, children will exit or enter the car on the right side, and parents will continue on their way.  The pull over lane on Avenue D will be for the same purpose.
  • Parents or other adults who want to come in to school will need to park in the church parking lots on
    32nd St
    & Avenue C or on a street other than Avenue C.  The church parking lot is an approximate half block walk to the school.
  • There will be no parking in the staff parking lot across from the front of the school.  Having children and adults cross in the middle of the street and walk between cars is not safe.
  • All children and adults in the front of the school will be expected to cross the street at the corner of 32nd and Avenue C.  Safety Patrol is stationed at this corner to assist in safely crossing the street.
  • The left hand lane on Avenue C will be a through lane.  There will be no stopping to drop off children on the south side of Avenue C.

Thank you in advance for your willingness to help keep Franklin students safe.

Monday, May 2, 2011

It's a Penny War!

The 2nd and 3rd grade enrichment classes are having a fundraiser.  The proceeds will go to the Salvation Army and Red Cross for disaster relief in Japan.  The prizes will be classroom games made by the 2nd and 3rd grade enrichment classes.

Each class, Pre-K through 5th, will have a jar for collecting pennies.  Pennies will be collected May 2nd through 6th, from 8:30-8:40 each morning, and for 10 minutes after school.  The class that collects the most pennies will win a game for their classroom.  Only pennies will count toward the class total.  Any other coins will be subtracted from the total in the jar.  Students are welcome to put other coins or bills in jars for other classes, that's what makes it a war!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Climate Survey

The Council Bluffs Community School District will be conducting the annual climate survey this month.  Information gathered in this survey will help each school plan and make changes necessary to best meet the needs of our students and their families.  Students in grades 4 and 5 will take the survey at Franklin.  Parents are encouraged to take the survey also.  You will receive a postcard by April 5th with directions on how to take the Climate Survey online.  The survey will be available online through April 18, 2011.  Parents who do not have internet access or a computer at home may stop by Franklin Elementary to take the survey.  The online survey will be available in both English and Spanish.

Dress Code Reminder

As the weather gets warmer, and students start digging out their summer clothes, it’s a good time to review the dress code.  Shorts and skirts must extend to mid-thigh, midriffs and shoulders need to be covered.  Tank tops, spaghetti straps, and muscle shirts can only be worn if covered with an outer shirt.  Please take time to review the complete district wide dress code in the blue student and family handbook.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Music in Our Schools

WELCOME TO:  Music in Our Schools-Franklin Elem
                                                 April 12-15, 2011

Please sign in at the office then wait in the lobby.  As you can see, the schedule is very tight and we have students moving from music, art, and pe in that hallway.

Tuesday, April 12   
Wednesday, April 13
Thursday, April 14

  Third Gr -  Malskeit
      and ½ Clevenger

Second  Gr -Brandenberg
Second Gr  - Ebke

 Second Gr - Barrett

 Fourth Gr  -  Schechinger
 Third Gr -  Rose
       and ½ Clevenger

     Kindergarten - Quick

     First Gr - Matters
First Gr - Hospodka
      First Gr - Forristall

      Fourth Gr - Rush
     Fourth Gr - Vint

                                              Friday, April 15   
Fifth grades will be having their public  performance in the  
All-City Vocal Music Festival at 1:00pm in the Thomas Jefferson High School Field House.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Kindergarten Ahead

An orientation for parents and students ready for Kindergarten in Fall, 2011 is scheduled for April 28, 2011.  We will have two sessions:  4:30 & 5:15.  Please choose one to attend.  The orientation will provide information about our Kindergarten classrooms at Franklin and will help you understand what you can expect when your child starts school in August, 2011.  Students who are 5 years old by September 15, 2011 are eligible for Kindergarten.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Power Panther visits Franklin

Power Panther visited Franklin Elementary on Monday to kick off school breakfast week.  He visited pre-school, kindergarten and first grade classrooms, and led the students in exercises.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Great Artists at Franklin Elementary

Franklin students have art  entered into the following shows and contests.

ESC ART SHOW III opens on Tuesday, March 8th.  The opening is open to the public from 5:30p.m.-6:30p.m..  It will be up for the remainder of the school year at ESC.  Anna Larson, Connor Mulvania, Colton Kinney, Chase Carman, Joselynn Talavera, and Patience Cave all have their artwork displayed.

JAMA ART SHOW (Joslyn Art Association of Southwest Iowa) will be at the Council Bluffs Public Library from March 11th through April 6th.  Students with art displayed at this show are: Caleb Boyd, Zoey Boham, Ashley Vargas-Arteaga, Liam Anderson, Ryan Bangart, Amanda Callahan, Jayme Ratekin, Trinity Boyd, Brandon Burghardt, Monty Sudo, Chase Carman, Audrey Neumann, Kevin Mejia, Gavin Snodgrass, Gabe Pflueger, Noel Taschner, and Deonte Daniels.

BAC (BLUFFS ART COUNCIL) SHOW is at the Center during the month of March.  Johnathan Christensen, Makenza Delgado, Jaiden Adams, Jacob Kennedy, Lauren White, Wesley Harvey, Emile Bostic, Kirstin Porter, Abraham Talavera, Nizera Vargas, Dylon Carman, Ellie Perrine, Gabby Jobe, Jane Helms, Saraya Baker, Morgan Garcia, Charity McDaniel, Audrey Neumann, Dylan Foote, Cheyenne Lundy, Allie Eledge, Trinity Boyd, Hope Walling, Kierstin Hendrix, Heath Cloyd, Tucker Wood, and Molly Casperson have their artwork on display.

NEIGHBORHOOD ART CONTEST/AUCTION   Artwork from these Franklin students was submitted to this contest: Justice Griffin, Kevin Mejia, Mackinzey Arnold, Patience Cave, and Joselynn Talavera.  We will be notified if any projects are accepted, and when the auction/display will take place.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

National School Breakfast Week

School Breakfast Week is an annual event and is a time set apart to focus on the importance of eating breakfast for students (and staff).  During the week of March 7-11 elementary schools will have daily morning give-aways for students who eat school breakfast, as we do each year. These prizes are given in the cafeteria.
We had a school wide contest for the best breakfast idea.  The deadline for the contest was March 1st.  The winner will win free breakfast for his/her homeroom.  The winning breakfast ideas from all schools will be compiled into a district wide best breakfast list

Music in Our School Week

Upcoming Music Events –Please Mark Your Calendars!

    Music in Our School Week is April 12-15
Grades K, 1, 2, 3, 4
A detailed schedule will be posted after spring break.
See next announcement for information about fifth grade performance.

Fifth Grade All-City Vocal Music Festival
Friday, April 15th at 1pm
TJ Field House
The All-City Fifth Grade Music Festival concert at TJ Field House will be the public performance of our fifth graders.
This event is a part of their curriculum and all students are   
  expected to attend.  Transportation will be provided to and    
  from Franklin. 

They are working to memorize eleven selections.  The theme this year is “American Traditions.”  This is a wonderful opportunity for our students to have an experience singing in a large group, performing challenging music, singing in two part harmony, and performing choreography.  
It begins in the morning with a workshop/practice with our guest conductor, Mrs. Kate Knudsen. Students will need to bring a sack lunch. After lunch break they will present their concert at 1pm. 


Franklin Artists

Four first grade students have artwork exhibited at the ESC second art show of the year.  Congratulations to these young people:  Alaya Wright, Stella Dokomonovich, Lillia Williams, and Alyssa Kruger.  At the opening,  everyone enjoyed refreshments, live music and viewing the student art work.  Great job!!
 Congratulations to Kevin Mejia.  Kevin's art work was chosen as first place winner for grade 5 at the First Night Art Contest.  The Mayor presented each winner with a certificate and announced that Kevin's art work will be on display for the upcoming year at the Courthouse. What an honor!
 Thank you to all the families who donated old candles and babyfood jars so the fourth graders could make candles and the third graders could create candle holders.  The children and I really appreciate the support.  Mrs. Sturm,  Art Teacher